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Get Involved

Your support and participation would help us to bring about a more harmonious society through the beauty of artworks created by young people with special needs AND special talents.


Learn with us

It is our plan to expand the workshop to include graduates from other special needs schools and other disabled artists. Please contact us if you would like to explore this opportunity.


Whilst it is our aim that the income generated from the sale of our artworks or products derived from such works will be adequate to cover the operating costs of our workshops and the costs of promoting their paintings and artworks, our current income is insufficient to do so.  One-time donations from a handful of individual donors and a family charitable trust are currently our other funding sources. We welcome your donations through FPS (Fast Payment System) by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.


Our bank account details:

HSBC:  582-277209-838

ICBC Asia:  701502015834

Partner with us

We are seeking to develop partnership with different organizations and industries to engage and promote the artworks of our artists through innovative arrangements for commercial, education, performance, exhibition or other purposes. 


We look forward to work with hotels, developers, interior designers, retailers, manufacturers, to name a few. Please contact us for further discussion. 

© 2021 by Keenable Creation

Tel: (852) 2877 7338 | Fax: : (852) 2877 7738

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